The DGTHG's Mediastinitis Registry was started on June 15th 2011 as a nationwide project to improve patient care in Germany. The establishment of this database derived from the fact that although post-operative wound healing disorders after cardiac surgery are rare, they are of particular significance to patients and require doctors to apply special therapies. The aim is to register all patients of cardiac surgery in Germany who suffer a wound healing disorder. By creating this registry, the DGTHG is able to provide all cardiac surgery facilities in Germany with the opportunity to centrally record the data of all patients affected along with the treatment provided, enabling well-founded statistical analyses upon which to develop further differentiated treatment strategies and effectively trace perioperative management based on a standardised 'checklist'.
See here for access to the Mediastinitis Registry ...
What is more, a collaborative campaign by DGTHG, NRZ and BQS resulted in the compilation of a checklistwith several recommendations for the prevention of wound healing disorders.
Deutsches Aortenklappenregister
German Aortic Valve Registry
The German Aortic Valve Registry was started on July 1st, an internationally unique project to improve patient safety. It is a joint initiative of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG) and the German Cardiac Society (DGK). The registry systematically collects long-term data on a nationwide basis relating to operative aortic valve replacement and catheter-based aortic valve implantation, subsequently subjecting this data to scientific analysis. The aim of the registry is to be able to recommend a suitable therapy for each individual patient based on scientific evidence.
See here for access to the German Aortic Valve Registry ...
Deutsches Register für akute Aortendissektion Typ A
The GERAADA was started in July 2006. This web-based registry was developed to collect the data of patients who undergo surgery due to an acute aortic dissection type A (AADA). The aim is to analyse the data in order to find out how surgical treatment might be improved and what parameters potentially influence the outcome. There are now 50 German-speaking cardiac centres participating in the GERAADA. The preoperative and intraoperative status of patients, postoperative complications, medium-term results and causes of death are recorded. After analysis of the anonymised data by the Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI) in Mainz, the first interim results were published in 2009.
See here for access to the GERAADA ...